Pushback Pallet Racking

Pushback Pallet Racking

Push-Back pallet racking is an innovative bulk storage system that combines the benefits of drive-in racking with pallet live storage. Racks can be positioned against a wall enabling areas that might otherwise be inaccessible, to be fully utilised. Using Push-Back, up to four pallets deep can be accessed from one face. Push-Back is ideally suited to bulk order picking operations.

Push-Back Racking differs from conventional APR in the orientation of the pallet. The structure is built using conventional racking frames running from front to back in each bay supporting heavy-duty rails. The first unit load is stored on a wheeled sub-frame in lanes running front-to-back supported on the rails. Any subsequent pallets entering the system push the previous pallets back and are supported by the rails. The rail is inclined very slightly to the front to allow the pallets and sub-frames to glide gently towards the front of each lane.

When a standard forklift truck places the first pallet in a bay it sits on the sub-frame. Putting a another pallet into the bay pushes the pallet on the sub-frame backwards.  The Push-Back sub-frames supports each pallet around its perimeter. Pallets move easily, either when they are pushed back to load the system or moving forward once the front pallet is removed. Gravity does the rest, remove the front pallet and the rear pallet slide forward slowly and safely.

Key Features of Push-Back Pallet Racking.
Floor Space Utilisation – Space utilisation depends on the number of pallets in the depth in relationship to the gangway width.
Speed of Throughput – Good where the loads are the same and the volume is high.
Stock Rotation – Easily achieved. Stock rotation with Push-Back is available lane by lane.
Selection and Order Picking – Condensed picking face means reduced travel between picks.
Stock Variability – Restricted to one product on each track.
Safety of Goods – Excellent. All pallets are individually supported in the rack.
Handling Equipment – Any conventional truck.

Further Information & Advice

We look forward to working with you to transform your workspace.