Environmental Policy

The Redditch Partitions & Storage Co. Ltd. regards environmental responsibilities as a fundamental part of the company’s business strategy. We are committed to the development and promotion of products, processes and services to reduce waste and encourage recycling, and to adopt environmentally responsible policies and practices throughout our operations.

Environmental Responsibility

We will seek to operate in a manner designed for the minimisation and where possible the elimination of releases to the environment in amounts that cause harm to human health and the environment. We will focus on a policy of safety in the workplace for our employees, suppliers, contractors and visitors along with care for the local environment.

Environmental Regulations

We will be aware of all environmental laws and regulations to ensure that we meet or exceed regulatory requirements.

Waste Management

The Redditch Partitions & Storage Co. Ltd. Management will examine this policy on a regular basis and hold responsibility for its success. The Management require all employees to regard environmental responsibility as their prime concern.

Communications and Training

The Redditch Partitions & Storage Co. Ltd. will train and consult with our employees to enhance understanding and commitment to environmental policies.

Operational Policy

Assess in advance the environmental impact of any significant new development.

Collect appropriate monitoring data at a suitable frequency to assess the environmental impact of our existing operations on a regular basis. Such monitoring will be continued after cessation of operations until we and the regulatory authorities are satisfied it is no longer necessary.

Engineering & safety – plant and systems of work are designed and maintained to the highest possible standard in order to minimise accidents and unforeseen occurrences. The company will endeavour to meet appropriate environmental legislation and improve operating procedures. Systems will be developed to provide the appropriate response to deal with any foreseeable incidents, which might have off site significance.

Waste reduction & recycling – careful consideration will be given to the elimination or minimisation of waste at source and the recycling or reuse of materials.

Waste disposal – disposal and transport of wastes off site will be carried out in a responsible manner with due regard to all environmental considerations. Discharge of our trade effluent to sewer will be as required by legislation, through consents and controls. The company will endeavour to maintain good housekeeping as part of our systems of compliance.

Effects on the community – noise, odour, atmosphere emissions, traffic and other aspects of the company’s activities, which can affect the local community, will be controlled to the lowest level.

The Redditch Partitions & Storage Co. Ltd. will seek to be a good neighbour and improve the aesthetic appearance of the site.

The company will endeavour to ensure that third parties involved in the activities of the business, including suppliers, contractors etc., meet appropriate company standards for environmental protection.

Implementation Policy

Management involvement – managers at all levels throughout the company must take individual responsibility to ensure that environmental issues are considered carefully when making decisions or when planning and controlling work.

Workforce involvement – all employees will be made aware of their individual responsibilities for action in accordance with the environmental policy. Accountabilities will be clearly defined within the management structure. Appropriate training and instruction will be provided.

Operate and update on a regular basis systems and procedures for both operations and their monitoring to ensure adherence to the policy.

Produce an annual programme of specific environmental objectives for each operational location and monitor progress against it. Devise the programme in such a way as to make use of available resources to achieve an optimum environmental result.

Audit our adherence to the policy. This will be undertaken by line management on a regular basis using a formalised reporting system and on an annual basis by external consultants.

We will develop management systems and controls to ensure all third parties involved in our operations will be made aware of our environmental operations and procedures.